Facilitate Healing
I am a licensed massage therapist certified in neuromuscular therapy and yoga instructor committed to bringing my clients medical massage therapy without sacrificing a relaxing, spa experience. I focus on facilitating healing by assessing your specific needs while also providing you a 5-star treatment. I believe that the most effective healing comes when clients are present and completely relaxed.
I am passionate about creating a unique experience for all of my clients. Whether you are needing to bill insurance, wanting a personal relaxation session or want to book an event, I will cater my services to your specific needs.
If you are interested in scheduling a consultation appointment, please send an appointment request.
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For a full list of massage descriptions and prices visit https://www.canva.com/design/DAFmTmhRjLI/PQatVnjcEvtc_nrGKNm-Ow/edit?utm_content=DAFmTmhRjLI&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
Licensed Massage Therapist and Owner of DGMT